The Art of the Hustle

It has been a busy month for me to say the least.  Classes start for the University next week and what started as a nervous journey being a first-time part-time instructor quickly turned into an exciting journey being a full-time hustler.  When I first signed on with this University, it was no secret that I was going to spearhead two new programs: English Dubbing and Drama.  What came as a surprise was how much work there was to be done.

While I patiently waited for classes to start, it wasn’t until this week (the last free week before school) that I was notified that I would be responsible for writing all the official course descriptions which had an extremely strict criteria.  I was a chicken running around without its head that survived with three hours of sleep per night for the next couple of days.  Luckily, all the years of higher education somewhat prepared me for extremely tight and important deadlines.

I started out comfortable, knowing I’d work only one full day a week at this university and making as much as I did at my previous job just working that one day a week.  It was already an awesome gig.  However, my reputation spread fast throughout the school because of the quality of work I produced in a short amount of time.  I hadn’t even been here for a full month before the department head approached me with yet another opportunity.

“You’re very responsible, so I wanted to offer you this position.”

The school quickly took notice how prompt and detailed my responses were to things when it others took days, weeks– even last-minute to respond to important duties.  What I thought was typical behavior with my experiences working in an office environment, turned out to be an extremely admirable quality and asset to this university.  It was then, I was offered my second job as an English teacher for an elementary school.  This gig was special, since I wouldn’t have a “home room” and work all day every single day of the week.  The elementary school had developed a partnership with the University I worked at to create a program called “Content and Language Integrated Learning” which will allow me to teach any subject appropriate for grades 3-6 whilst simply utilizing English.  I could teach math, science, art– anything I wanted as long as I spoke in English.  Best part, I only had to work for 3 hours every Wednesday (SWEET!!!)  There was no way I would’ve been offered such an opportunity if it weren’t for my work ethic.

Still, I was unsatisfied with just working two days a week despite already earning a livable wage (I get bored easily).  So, I continued to look online and going door-to-door to English tutoring centers around my area.  Some I literally stumbled upon while playing Pokemon Go in my neighborhood (NO JOKE.) I dropped off resumes and chit-chatted with businesses in-person as well as talked with anyone who found me online and called me.  I went where the money was and within three days, I secured my third job as a private English consultant for individuals and businesses.

Again, I haven’t been here a month.

This isn’t me in any way bragging, but rather I wanted to write this post to let people know that anything is possible as long as you put in the work.  I’d be lying if some days I was straight up exhausted, not in the mood, and just all-around a grumpy puss.  But as quickly as I found my opportunities, the quicker I could relax knowing that not only will I be making enough– I’ll be thriving in my current situation.  I went from only one job making $27 USD/hr to three jobs which all together could potentially allow me have a six-figure USD annual salary (which is a lot of money in Taiwanese currency.)

It’s a dream come true.

Is it a lot of work? Yes.  Will I be tired?  That’s an understatement.  Will it be worth it? Y-E-S. Don’t doubt the art of the hustle.  Always know your worth and keep looking until you GET IT.  You only get in return what you put out in the universe for the world owes you absolutely nothing.  No matter how great you are, sitting around feeling entitled will never get you to where you want to be.  You got to show it to the world, live it endlessly no matter how tired or grumpy you are.  There were some days I didn’t want to do anything but I’m so extremely grateful that I got up and did it anyway.  The next step is making enough to invest in my own business so I will only be working for one entity and not three (*wink-wink*).  One day at a time!

Persistence is the secret to success.

Here’s to a fruitful future.